Crow's Homepage


Version 0.3

Update #22 (6:45 AM, 06/11/2024):
I've been working super hard on and off for a couple of days now!!
Fixed link to the Dark Quest page on the Projects page, as well as finally implimenting the inspo/ref drop down thing; added new links.
Added description text, dividers, better button, better holding box, image caption & update thing, also inset the image and resized.
Moved the 'under construction' thing to bottom of page and lastly added title logo page name thing.
Might rework later the drop down thing later, and I'll spurce up the 'listings,' too. Listing is still not the best word.
Added a background to the Dark Quest and updated all the text, images etc.
Did some planning for stuff like items, levels, etc. and did some work on images.
I'm thinking about redoing parts of the home page, especially the intro thing. Talk about autism more lol x3
Updated the screenshot section of the Dark Quest page, added images, descriptions and created a bunch of new image.
Did the same for the protoypes section, creating some new photos, text, and adding old images.
And lastly I'm planning a *bunch* of new stuff!! For both the site and this new page. I especially want to make some, like, development sketches!

Updated image of the week!

Update #21 (6:21 AM, 01/11/2024):
I've been working off and on since the last update lol. I added the first thing to the Projects page, it isn't much more than a title and link to the Dark Quest page, but I didadd this new drop-down text thing I'm going to use for, like inspo/refs; will rework later. Will also spruce up the listing, too (listing is not the best word).
) Added bg to Dark Quest page too and starting updated all the text. I'm also working on the images rn!
Fun fact, the background is from an actual 90s webpage that was a huge inspiration to me! :D It's features cels from a lost Lupin III Pepsi ad??
Anyways, that's why I'm adding that drop down thing, because I found so many real Geocities pages and other cool pages for inspo that I wanna show off. I already had a strong vision for this page but like, now it's extra legit x3
Using a lot of gen-ine shitty 90s graphics! x3

Update #20 (5:03 AM, 31/10/2024):
Happy Halloween!! :D
Added (kinda) a lot of stuff this time! Created pages for About, Blog, Projects, and Gallery plus added custom button for "Blog" in the navbar. Rn all these pages just an "under contrusction" title and GIF but I plan to add to them soon!
Creted the brand new "Dark Quest NES" page as well and that's going to be my current project for a bit. Updated some images, etc. on the home page.

Update #19 (12:26 PM, 01/10/2024):
There haven't been any majors updates in a minute... school and such :/
I've been trying to regularly update te image of the week though. There's 60 images total and we're on week #9
I also updated the scrolling "breaking news" text on the homepage

Update #18 (4:19 PM, 27/08/2024):
I was finally accepeted into the "Transing the Internet" webring!!! :DD

Update #17 (6:35 PM, 25/08/2024):
Added images for up to Week #55... tidied up some code.
I've been working on other projects and school is starting again soon, so I don't expect I'll get to version 0.4 any time soon... :/
(Version 0.4 will happen when I'm finally done the home page... so add all the buttons and links and hopefully hear back from that webring!)

Update #16 (5:53 PM, 22/08/2024):
Updated the image of the week again and slightly tweaked part of one of the disclaimers. That's it.
Hopefully I can get out of this funk soon and start working on this again.

Update #15 (8:41 PM, 14/08/2024):
Updated the image of the week, added images for weeks 25-30, updated both pages for the image of the week.
Progress has very slow. I'm burnt out.
I am not doing well.

Update #14 (4:42 PM, 09/08/2024):
Added a bunch of new stamps and blinkies!!! :D
Well... more accurately I downloaded over 200 new blinkies and am slowing trying to add them all... lol
I also added a new page where I'm going to try and credit my sources! ^_^
I've got a lot of plans for new pages and stuff, especially a blog! Wish I created that years ago lol

Update #13 (1:54 PM, 07/08/2024):
fufck zaawgg im m tyring to wokr on makin gs s an 'about' page but like i ve ahda liek 40 mg and half a j lmao...
fuck ij im lowkey pubby :3333333,.s.sjgk ,br
i fonly made th apge loll i jddtu jsut didnt add anythig to i tlll.. it bave o many ideas for htis ite :33
i lvooe being s cringe fail austisic stoner trsna gilr lmaooo :333333

Update #12 (5:50 PM, 05/08/2024):
Finally on version 0.3! :3
Lots of updates to add... busy few days lol. Firstly added some new buttons on the left side bar for some more social things! Added some new dividers on the main section w/ a cool divider image! Reorganized and populated more of the home page, mostly the main middle section!
One of the biggest additions is all of the stamps, buttons, and blinkies I added!! :D
Ofc I added the glitter text above all of those. :3
Above those is the new guestbook!! Very excited about that!! Even got my first comment lol (Shoutout C fr, you suck lmao :P)
There's just an image link instead of any text for the guestbook, too.
As I "stated" last time, I changed the image of the week and added a little gallery for all of the past week's images w/ lock icons I made for the ones you haven't 'unlocked' yet lol
(There's also a new hidden page hidden somewhere on there. No hints ;3)
I'm joing a webring too!! Added their widget, hopefully I'll be accepted soon!! X3
Also on the right side bar, I fixed the link to copy my own site button, added another one too
Lastly I finally added sparkles!!! :DD Much more planned to come soon!!!

Version 0.2

Update #11 (9:39 PM, 04/08/2024):
i updayted the image of the w"eek" lol and i addaed a new pae linedk under it tats an albjm of all te past week's images lol
asldn also i addea locked icons imade for lal the ones we havent unlcked yet lol :333
ans atheres this bigg as s legal disclaimer at the bottom in referencde s to like teh "dislciame r will not udpate wekkly" thing on the front page but jsu like in dense legaize loll. ....
asl opersonal brag loll i codeda lall of this whiel high if you cantt tell loll X33
i m nevr gonna corect this lmao i think this is lierally so tgirl coeded of me lmao X3333
gilrlll this page aaturned out so good!!! XDDDD
zommgmm lolll ;3c

Update #10 (10:08 PM, 01/07/2024):
Added a bunch of stuff, progress is good! Created a bunch of buttons to link to my socials and added those to the left sidebar! Also added the "Image of the 'Week!'" section to the left sidebar! "Week" is in quotations because I doubt I'll actually update it weekly... (-_-;)
Added new introduction/welcome text to the homepage as well as a place for stamps and buttons! Also gonna add my e-mail and a guestbook once I can find a good guestbook provider... (R.I.P. 123guestbook man).
A few other minor changes too :3

Update #9 (1:55 AM, 01/07/2024):
Back to work! I'm finally starting a work on this again. My goal is to populate (if not complete) two pages (Home and Projects?) before I go back to not working on this for two months... -_-
I might start a blog also? Or maybe that's what will be on the homehpage? Not sure yet!
Added a news ticker to the home page, custom font and all :3, will be updated its text periodically!

Update #8 (1:08 PM, 12/06/2024):
Added a custom font to the site called Orbitron! Updated the updates page, added the navbar and fixed its links, added background image and the "UPDATES" banner image. Added "[Scroll to top]" buttons to updates and the home page. Created a 404 error, 'not found' page. And lastly updated the landing page with updated fonts and styling!

Update #7 (5:14 AM, 12/06/2024):
Created new, animated button for the site! Also added a little window on the right column for a bunch of scrolling buttons for other sites! :3
Added a little section where you can click on my button and have it (and the code to put it on your site) copied to your clipboard!!
Also some other minor changes to the code/site

Update #6 (4:44 AM, 11/06/2024):
Lots of of good progress! Added buttons, a new background, a fixed hit counter, and more text to the landing page! Completely remade the home page from scratch too! Three column layout with trans-purple background, navbar with images that change colour when you hover over them, logo bounces when you hover over it. Bunch of stuff! It was a little time consuming, took like two hours, but I'm very happy with the progress! :3

Update #5 (1:04 AM, 11/06/2024):
Finally back at it again!! I'm completely revamping this site and esentially starting over from scratch! Lots of hard work ahead of me...
Deleted pretty much everything but the home page and the updates page (these will both be re-worked significantly though!). Moved the home page from index.html to home.html and now index.html is the new welcome page! Created a new button for this page and added some to the home page, added a hit counter (I think the number might be off though...?), created a new logo for the site, changed the favicon, and started working on the computer monitor welcome idea I have!
Lots more to come!!

Version 0.1

Update #4 (9:19 PM, 28/09/2023):
Updates page created and populated!
Favicon created!
Updated Neocities page

Update #3 (1:06 PM, 28/09/2023):
All of the other pages were created and (kinda) populated!
Pages, their backgrounds, their sparkly text, etc.

Update #2 (12:06 AM, 28/09/2023):
Site ported over to!

Update #1 (5:59 PM, 27/09/2023):
Site was created!

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